Kamila Simonides


ksimonides@exponex.cz   | +420 605 499 797

My motto is “Go slow”.

I was born under the sign of Taurus, and that translates well into my personality. I hate to do things half-heartedly, I am stubborn and, at times, I can be a pesky perfectionist. I enjoy learning new things and gathering life experience. Being the centre of attention is not for me, and I prefer meeting a group of close friends to frequenting lavish parties. I love good food, music, laughter and relaxation. And what are my dislikes? Cold tea, freezing weather and being pushed into doing things against my will.

In my spare time I like to read, take trips, watch movies or documentaries and, from time to time, I will go to a concert of one of my favourite artists. I regularly hike in the wild, which I like to finish with a cup of coffee.