Radek Malý

Production Director

rmaly@exponex.cz | +420 730 575 809

I’ve always been an active person and probably always will be.

Sometimes I ask myself whether I don’t want to squeeze in too much, but I simply need that in my life. Work, family, sport, hobbies, travelling, and recently a host of friends. I like to have people around me who are constantly positive- I without question feel at home in such company. Through my activity and humour I try to have a positive effect on everyone around me- children, clients, colleagues, friends in the pub, and others. Everything somehow works out better then. Sometimes I’m a bit stubborn and strong-willed, perhaps overly, but I have a sense of responsibility, and for performance. I’m hard-working, like things to be in order, am able to deal with stressful situations and can always find the optimal and most effective solution, for everyone, in a given situation.

Everything is resolvable and if it’s not a matter of life and death there’s no need to panic in any situation. This is something I manage to keep in mind. I recognise and respect systems, yet equally I need freedom of movement, freedom in decision-making and trust. When I have those things I can achieve a lot. At home, work, and in sport. And those beside me enjoy the benefits. It’s that which satisfies me- to help make myself and others happier and enjoy life as much as possible.