Jitka Koudelková
Assistant to the Executive Director
jkoudelkova@exponex.cz | +420 604 224 085
As a fully-fledged aquarius i am often swimming against the current
As the title indicates I was born in the sign of Aquarius, moreover in the year of fiery Dragon. This fact alone can be rather revealing :-).
They say people born in the sign of Aquarius are always step ahead, they value freedom and friendship, Air is their natural element and knowledge is their perpetual desire. I do feel this way. My close friends in jest describe me as an over-active person. I possess extremely developed organization spirit, I am always on the move solving, searching, writing, in short multi-functional. This comes very handy in my work position.
In my previous career I have been always lucky with my superiors and colleagues, here in Exponex my good luck continues. At the beginning it was a bit difficult to adapt to the different work style. In the corporate environment everything takes awfully long time :-), but here we have rather quick working pace. I am glad I came to Exponex at the time of culminating preparations for two major events. It put me straight to the action, so I had to learn very quickly.
But life is not all work and duty. I spend my free time with family and friends, travelling or visiting culture events. I would love to spend my holidays hanging around in streets and alleys wherever in Provence, sipping coffee, watching locals or enjoying my friends on French Riviera. Besides I am a enthusiastic fan of tennis, beer specials and tidying.